When performing bolero, dancers move slowly alongside their partner. The choreography generally tells a romantic story and the sultry steps and arm flourishes emphasize love and passion.
Bolero is a ballroom dance with Spanish and Cuban origins. It dates all the way back to the 18th century. Like the rumba, it’s slower than most dances and has a delicate and romantic vibe.
Written in 4/4 time. Should be played at a tempo of 24-26 measures per minute.
The Benefits of Bolero
Relieve Your Stress: unlike dances such as the jive, the bolero is a slow style of dance that will calm you and ease any stress and anxiety.
Improve Your Teamwork Skills: dancing with a partner will strengthen your ability to work with a teammate. As well, partnered turns and dips will help you learn to establish trust with others.
Heighten Your Self Awareness: dancing the bolero with a partner will make you become more aware of your balance, body and how it moves. After a bolero lesson, you’ll be more in tune with your actions and self.